Civita di Bagnoregio
We came across a gem yesterday about an hour south of Florence. We were driving through various hill top towns which were all gorgeous. Our last for the day before we were to head south to Tivoli and our hotel room was Civita di Bagnoregio. Bagnoregio is actually Civita's neighbor and is a thriving town. Not so with Civita.
Though it was first settled 2500 years ago by the Etruscans it grew to what it is now by the 12th century. Then the hill top started collapsing piece by piece, the sides peeling off taking the town with it building by building. Not much of the town is left. In fact by the 19th century it had become essentially an island. It has been long nicknamed "La citta che muore", the dying town. The really interesting part: The small town that's left is a window into the 12th century. Only 7 people now live there year around. There is no way up there except to walk and that was exhausting to say the least. At the end of the day we could barely move.
If the weak internet holds out here are some pictures of Civita:
Excited to start the climb:
And then after most of the way up:
And finally a small porch with a view: