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Valle dei Templi, Agrigento, Sicily

On the southern coast of Sicily is one of the best locations to see ancient Greek architecture. The Valley of the Temples is a huge site that is misnamed. It's on a ridge, top of a small mountain, rather than in a valley. The seven temples were built around the fifth century BC. Temple of Concordia as it is called is one of the best preserved Greek temples still existing. The temple of Jupiter must have been huge. Just pillars remain.

The best way to see it is to use the car park located at the lowest end and have a taxi take you to the highest point. Then it's a casual and very enjoyable walk back to your car. There is a cafe at the half way point where we enjoyed a gelato.

The Greeks and Romans liked to build huge bronze statutes. There are actually remnants of some of those.

Temple of Jupiter:

An Atlas:

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